Monday, January 26, 2009

Miracles Don't Happen; They Already Exist

Miracles don’t happen, they already exist. Either now, or in the future. I have discussed this with philosophers, scholars, therapists in alternative healing and scientists alike and they hold the same view, albeit put in words that may seem like mumbo jumbo to some and Greek to others. Basically the underlying fact echoed is the same - that miracles don’t ‘happen’, they already ‘exist’.

So why then do so many people believe that this miracle ‘happened’? It’s important therefore to understand what we term as miracles.

Miracles are
a) either manifestations of things we hope will happen (sometimes against hope!) or
b) things we thought would never happen.
When either a) or b) actually happen, we term these occurrences as ‘miracles’.

Here are some examples:
1) A man of African American origin becoming President of America.
2) A plane landing in water and all passengers and crew on board surviving.

If you had to mention these events a decade ago, almost the entire world would have said it’s impossible. When it happened, many termed it as a miracle. Miracles don’t happen, they are already in existence; millions of ‘miracles’ are happening (exist) right now and millions of ‘miracles’ are waiting to happen (manifest themselves).

Barack Obama’s victory was meant to happen – he slogged his butt off for years in preparation for what came his way. Richly deserved. All the passengers on the plane survived because the pilot was trained to land in water, which he did with perfection and the crew and assistance that was provided to ensure that each passenger survived, executed their roles to perfection.

Since we aren't clairvoyant, we tend to term these events as "miracles". If we were clairvoyant and were able to look into the future, we would have "expected" these events to take place. Because we have not noticed them yet (had similar experiences), or we do not expect them to occur because we lack in hope or because we do not believe that it is possible given the depth of our limited human comprehension, therefore when they do happen, we term these events as ‘miracles’.

In conclusion, please don’t forget to notice the other miracles that exist all around you; the fact that you were saved from drowning recently, the blooming of a flower, the gift of your spouse and children, the recovery from a near-fatal accident, the fact that you are no longer dependent on any substance – alcohol, drugs or cigarettes, the rising of the sun, the sweet caress of the wind against your cheeks, the fact that your pet loves you unconditionally, you meeting your soul mate, that you didn’t go ahead with the urge to commit suicide, the grades that you secured in school, the smile of your baby and more importantly, the fact that you’ve begun to love yourself more.

God Bless…. ivan rodrigues (


Anonymous said...

Ivan, when i introspect in my life and look at all the beautiful things that i am blessed with I actually wonder.....Do I really deserve it all?

With regard to the events that you highlighted, i'm sure in the past there would have been a lot more african-americans who would have slogged and sacrificed and been more deserving than Obama but didn't get their chance to be the President of the United States, Dr. Martin Luther King being one that comes to mind. Also there sure would have been pilots who've crash landed in the ocean with massive casualities who actually may have been more skilled than Capt. "Sully" of US Airways flight 1549.

I put these 'MIRACLES' and the 'MIRACLES' that keep happening in my life down to GOD'S AMAZING GRACE for each one of us. The hynm that is now ringing in my ear is.....'In his his time; He make's all things beautiful in his time....'.

Andrea & Ivan lovely posts on your blog. I'm sure it takes a lot of initiative and effort to pen them down.

God Bless you Both.

lots of love

Ivan Rodrigues said...

Hi Rohan,

Thanks for your solid vote of confidence. You know that I've looked up to you as my role model from the time I got to know you better (after meeting Ivan). Strange but true, when I used to train candidates with language gaps in the Learning Academy in 3, I used to sing the above hymn on their 1st day of training. I used to do this because they would come in with high hopes n expectations of landing a permanent job with 3 after a month of undoing their English Grammar errors, etc., and I wanted them to know and see that God will help them if they help themselves. I chose this hymn because I did not wish to advocate Catholicism or Christianity and yet, in simple English, get my message across. Btw, this is the only hymn which I sing very well and confidently.

Trust you are keeping well. We miss you this Valentine's Day. May God bless you and keep you under his protective mantle always.
